pos display

Innovative Merchandise

Innovative Merchandise: LED signs for On Premise Displays

Neon signage has an old and very retro feel to it, but the technology is not very Eco friendly. Despite LED technology being more expensive up front, it is much cheaper in the long run and therefore very much the best and practical option for most clients.

LED signs offer a very effective and affordable way to advertise your company 24/7. 

  • LED signs offer flexibility in your message – You want to be able to change your message? An LED sign is the right choice for you. Whether you want to advertise a sale or to let prospective customers know your hours, you will be able to do it with an LED sign quickly and easily. This is a wonderful advantage over neon signs, simply because you cannot change the message with a neon sign.

  • LED business signs use less energy than a neon sign. You can understand this simply by the fact that they never heat up wasting heat energy. Even though your sign is on for 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, you will find that your LED sign will remain cool to the touch, which means that it will use up to 75% less energy than the neon sign. This is a great thing for your electricity bill and for the environment; by choosing LED light you remain faithful to your environment.

  • You can even customise shape of your sign to match your business needs. LED message signs come in many different varieties, shapes, colors, design and sizes – You will be amazed at the different options that LED signs offer. This can allow you to choose every detail of you LED sign as well as matching it with your budget to ensure that it will completely meet your needs. The right sign is just as important as what you put on the sign; it has a huge impact upon your business. If it is not the right size or style, it will not be seen from the road that you are trying to target, so keep that in mind when you are choosing your custom LED sign.

  • Open LED signs can advertise for you all day, every day – You can allow the LED sign to advertise your business every single day, all day, and this may not be the case with neon signs. This will mean that you can reach customers even while you are sleeping, with absolutely no effort from you!

Innovative Merchandise

Innovative Merchandising: LED Bottle Coasters

Making use of an LED Coaster to advertise your liquor brand is an unconventional yet unique way of doing it. The bright lights emitted from the LED Coaster are a great way to catch the attention of people. You would definitely be attracted to a coaster that emits beautiful lights right?

How can a LED Coaster help your company?

  • This marketing gift can be very helpful because your customers will remember how their liquor is being served. The changing lights can be a great way to catch the attention of your customers and stand out from the rest.

  • LED signs are a very effective and affordable way to market your products. They can be helpful in many ways..

  • LED signs are cost effective in the long run

  • LED signs are more energy saving than their counterparts. The fact that they are never heated up means they are using much lesser energy. This is great because you save on electricity bills and you are also doing your part for the environment. Choosing to use LED products as marketing gift gives the impression to your customers that you are faithful to the environment.

  • Can customize the shape of your LED signs easily. You can offer various types of designs and sizes of LED coaster or marketing gift your customers. It ensures that you can have control over every detail of your gift to suit the demographics of your customers.

  • LED marketing gift can advertise for you all day. Due to its low energy consumption and high durability, you can reach out to your customers at almost any part of the day. For e.g. LED Coaster can be used as an advertisement anytime your customer buys a drink, not only at specific time.

Innovative Merchandise

Premium Merchandising: Bottle Glorifiers for your Campaign

Bottle glorifiers are great tools to capture the attention of patrons at clubs, bars and restaurants.  Bottle glorifiers display spirits and beers in the most attractive manner to capture the mood and image of the individual drinks.  The display is a strong on site advertisement and a good display will result in greatly increased sales.

Nowadays, bottle glorifiers are very popular premium items. A glance through the market and we will find  wide variety of bottle glorifiers.

Colour, is one of the most basic branding requirements and we are able to match the pantones of the drink we are promoting. This Skyy Vodka bottle glorifier definitely exemplifies quality and class due to the use of multiple high end materials. Lighting or Sound can also be integrated to improve the overall outlook of the display. To promote a wide range of alcoholic beverages, some bottle glorifiers contain more than one bottle showcasing the depth of the brand. We can also arrange for this kind of POS to be adapted for tastings across the range of tastes or vintages of the product.


Premium Merchandising: Custom POS Displays

An original POS Display is great to gain a lot of attention and big sales through the whole campaign and even after. This design will especially catch the eyes of potential consumers and liquor enthusiasts in the supermarket or the DFS.

A private and dedicated POS permits you to offer the customer a larger range of products. Moreover, you are given enough space and freedom to advertise and highlight the main features of your products.

Why should you think about a Custom POS Display?

Unique but effective. A POS Display is used by many brands, which means that you need to come up with a new and unique design for your custom POS display. This design above is an original design, which you would not see at any brand.

Additional customers. After using such a custom POS display your brand awareness will be gained a lot of attention and this will not only influence the current but also potential customers and will increase your sale on these products.

Innovative Merchandise

Innovative Merchandising: Mobile Bars for Brand Mobility

POS Marketing is among the most effective ways available to advertise and support your product directly at the source. Be it to promote an event or attract on-lookers with inflatable arch or simply increase brand fidelity and visibility with badges, magnet or mascots, POS marketing will do the job for you provided you pick the most effective tool for it.

This concept of a mobile bar for Patron Tequila is a practical way of getting your brand mobility and visibility going at the same time. An item like this will have a good niche in private functions and a number of public events and concerts where your products can be sold or sampled directly to your target market.

Reasons to use mobile bars for your campaign:

  • Large branding area. A Mobile Bar provides you with opportunity to place your logo, slogan, more information about the product, something interesting about the way of production, terms of promo campaign and of course, your product itself. So this is the best way to communicate with customer.

  • Fully custom. Mobile Bars are fully customisable and available in any shape, size and printing. They are great to attract customer’s attention thanks to catching-eyes design and big size of promo stand.

  • Brand value. Being a tool for a bright and memorable promotion, Mobile Bars make your brand big and more important in customer eyes.

  • Boost your sales. A Mobile Bar is one of the most significant forces of trade . It is always good to install it in store or at the entrance of supermarket or shopping mall. This will motivate customers to impulsive buying.

Brand Visibility: Using Technology in POS Displays

Technology is advancing quickly and companies are developing new ways to marketing and promote their brand.

Optimize POS Display Using A Transparent LCD Display

Fridge – Using a Transparent LCD Display for the glass of a fridge, is great for drinks companies such as Heineken, Hennesy, and Budweiser to promote their brand. The digital display will attract customers to the product while illuminating the logo or special offers available.

Window – As it is transparent, it creates opportunity for regular items such as windows to become more interactive and effective when it comes to marketing. With a window becoming more digital and visually active it will be effective for potential customers passing by, demonstrating what the company can do for them.

General Advertisement Display – The most simple and easy method that any business can use is that of a general in store glass display. It can either be in the middle of the building, against a wall, or even hung up from the roof to show offers and branding.

 With a range of available POS display ideas for this item, there is a great amount of flexibility for it to be applied to any industry or market, whereby it will inevitably be successful and appealing to the new and old customers. Be it a simple advertisement display, a window display or a fridge display there is an endless selection of ways it can promote and what can be promoted with it.

As the display is made of glass and therefore offering a multi view of the advertisement, this gives companies the opportunity to market their product in new and inventive ways that takes advantage of this double view.

With movement, colours and the general energy behind this display, it makes the POS very interactive to customers. Furthermore as it is a new product this means that it may not have been seen by people before and therefore can create curiosity and demand to look at it for longer.

Innovative Merchandise

Merchandising Strategies: Outdoor Advertising with Function

​Widely used by many companies, outdoor umbrellas are a popular way for establishing brand awareness – People normally gain a strong initial impression based on what they see.


Outdoor umbrellas can be used in conjunction with POS displays like outdoor banners or marketing flags.  They can be combined with complete outdoor entertainment supplies packaged along with beer tables, mobile kiosks or kitchens, giant mascots etc.

Merch and Effect is able to fully customise such umbrellas to suit your event- from a simple one, to one that is complex looking. Moreover, it is an ideal surface for large photo-quality graphics to be displayed.

Such umbrella is able to attract people, building on a focal point for your business in the most commonly crowded places.

Innovative Merchandise

Merchandising Ideas: Customisable POS Displays

This custom POS Display is easy to transport and makes a great item to catch the public eye on a festival or event. It’s a fun way to approach a liquor campaign. Next to that, the branding space on this giant beer bottle is huge. When festival visitors walk past a liquor stand, this POS display will definitely pop out and might subconsciously spark their thirst for a nice, cold glass of premium liquor.

Why do we think this POS Display will be successful?

Fully customisable. A POS display can be customised to any size, shape or colour to ensure that the promotion is unique and catches the customer’s attention. But it also ensures that the unique custom POS display upholds the brands core and reputation. In this case, the brand is a liquor company, so having the display in the shape of a bottle will be the most useful.

Unique but effective. Many brands use POS Displays, which means that you need to come up with a new, unique design for your display. A nice extra to this POS display is that it’s easy to transport because the bottle is not that bulky and easily collapsible. This makes for more convenient, lightweight freight.

Additional customers. After using such a POS display your brand awareness will have gained a lot of attention. Because of the size, it is easy to notice. It’s a very unique way of marketing a liquor brand, so it might make people more curious to try out a new type of liquor!

Innovative Merchandise

On-Premise Display: Why invest on POS Marketing?

Reasons to use advertising POS Displays for your promotion:

Large branding area. POS stand provides you with opportunity to place your logo, slogan, more information about the product, something interesting about the way of production, terms of promo campaign and of course, your product itself. So this is the best way to communicate with customer.

Fully custom. Advertising POS Displays are fully customisable and available in any shape, size and printing. They are great to attract customer’s attention thanks to eye-catching designs and big size of promo stand.

Brand value. Being a tool for a bright and memorable marketing initiative, POS displays make your brand big and more important in customer eyes.


Boost your sales. Advertising POS Display is one of the most significant forces of trade . It is always good to install it in-store or at the entrance of supermarket or shopping mall. This will motivate customers to impulsive buying.

Innovative Merchandise

Effective Marketing Strategies: In-Store Displays

An in-store display provides a perfect background to accentuate the product’s best features. Therefore rising initial interest towards the display as well as to the product. Can also be used to communicate brand’s personality through design making it easier for the customer to identify themselves with the brand.

This ideation for Hennessy was meant to rise an overall brand awareness for its line of liquor. The in-store display made it possible and brought even more benefits – high brand and logo exposure, positive brand associations and helped to distinguish the product from its competitors’ offerings.

Why should you think about a Unique POS Display?

  •  Fully custom. A custom POS display can be customised to any size, shape or colour to ensure that the promotion is unique and catches the customers attention. But it also ensures that the unique custom POS display upholds the brands core and reputation.
  • Eye-Catcher. Unique POS Displays are great to attract customer’s attention thanks to innovative designs. An on premise custom made display is a fantastic way to boost sales from the existing customer base, but it is also a great way to introduce potential new customers to the brand.
    • Generate sales: A well placed and implemented in store display is a crucial element in generating sales. It can catch the eye of a potential consumer, encourage an impulse buy or simply to offer a means to look. These are all positives that will contribute to generating sales. This is even more so when combined with a POS display.
    • Increase brand awareness: In store displays play a massive part in getting your brand out there and seen by others. If supported by an organised and vibrant display, it contributes to the idea that you are a big brand in the industry that you are in. This will not only help your brand image, but it will improve your brand recognition as well.
    • Stand out in store: A great in store display will instantly draw in customers to your product, as it varies highly in comparison to others. This makes customers more likely to inspect and purchase your product.
    • Flexibility: The brilliance of an in store display is that you can completely customise to your needs. You can promote any message you like in the manner that you find suitable. Using vivid colours and some clear images helps support the brands overall theme. Whether it is a small or a big display, the premise is always the same.