Ways to Design Your Logo onto Your Custom Glass


There are many ways to transfer logos and designs onto your glass products and it is not limited to screen printing. Here are some of them;

  • Silk Screen Printing

  • Specialty Inks

  • Digital Printing

Here’s an overview of each printing techniques.

Silk Screen Printing

This is one of the most common and preferred printing methods by most manufacturers. The process is pretty straightforward and is cost-effective, so ideal for high volume projects. The design is stenciled onto the mesh and ink is applied onto the substrate with a squeegee. However, since you are printing on a cylindrical surface, extra care is needed to ensure that the designs are printed correctly.

Specialty Inks

With specialty inks, you can add texture and create amazing designs onto glasses and bottles. When cured, finished products may look as if the designs are embossed. You can also opt for metallic inks to give your products a luxurious and high-end feel.

Digital Printing

Digital Printing is ideal for printing full color artworks on drinking glasses. Manufacturers use state-of-the-art machines to ensure faster turnaround time for high volume projects. Using an inkjet printer that allows for printing on cylindrical objects, your vibrant designs will be printed on your drinking glasses with precision. Your custom logo glassware will come alive with crisp designs fast and easy. Moreover, with digital printing, you can print full-color designs. 

These are just some of the most commonly used techniques to logo your custom drinking glasses for promotions. To know which technique will work best for your products, you have to take into consideration the type of glass, your marketing budget, and the complexity of the designs. Speak with your manufacturer or designer to know your options.