GWP Ideas

Marketing Strategies: Planning your Merchandise Distribution

Before doing anything else choose the right Promotional Product Options.  With so many delivery mechanics to improve your marketing Campaigns, it can be tough to decide. First off, think about who, what and where your target audience will be and the type of gifts they want from a company. Secondly, how to get the message across about your company such as, the reasoning and theme behind your campaign. Different delivery mechanisms can help to increase a company’s promotional products.


What is a Delivery mechanism? – key deciding factor on what products to give away as promotional gifts to clients. The product, budget and delivery mechanism all need to be in sync with each other to have a successful promotional campaign.

Events Giveaways –Free promotional products from sport events, concerts, fairs, etc.- a way to maintain customer loyalty. Celebrities augments a brand by autographing the giveaway. Furthermore, toss promotional giveaways can be given out by a catapult or someone throws these items into the crowd. Mostly seen at sport events and concerts.