The first USB stick was sold in the magical year of 2000, and immediately became a worldwide hit. It’s amazing to think about how far technology has come in less than twenty years, and nowadays Flashdrives are almost staple items that everyone has. The first generation USB sticks only had a storage capacity of 8mb, which roughly equates to only a few files.
As of 2016, however, there are already USB sticks with 1 terrabyte capacity. The market is saturated with so many innovations for the use of Custom USB sticks. Because USB sticks have been around for such a long time, it might be difficult to come up with new ideas for designs.
If you are looking for a fitting memento to include in your product launch, this bottle-shaped USB made for NZ Pure is just the kind you should get. In this digital society, everybody could use their own handy flash drive that fits perfectly into one’s pockets. Embed your brand's image onto your consumers functional lifestyle.