Practical Merchandise: Eyewear

One of the best ways to deliver your brand's identity is through wearable fashion. Wearable in the sense that it can be used every day on almost any occasion without looking like a tasteless promotional item that anyone can get for free once they avail the product.

Integrating your brand in fashion can be a hit or miss, there's always this fine line between your merchandise looking like a valued gift or a tacky promo loot. The best approach to this is to be as subtle as possible while still keeping your brand's identity imminent in the merchandise.

Take these sunglasses we designed and made for the brands Jim Beam and Wild Turkey. They both serve the same function as pairs of eyewear but the two are very distinct and it is easy to tell apart which is which. Aside from this, both are very wearable. Practical gifts like this have a higher tendency to be used by the customers, thus, increasing your brand's reach. 

We at Merch & Effect consider several key elements when making a design. First, we take into consideration the color palette of the brand. Color palettes are easily recognizable and unique to the brand. In spite of the logo not standing out, these would carry the brand's identity. Another thing we consider is the materials that will be used to create our designs. Since we have limited space in this platform, we take into consideration what imagery we should prioritize and put on there. With this, we can come up with a practical, subtle, but brand-related item that will surely be appreciated by customers.